Thursday, September 14, 2006

Love Box

I got a love box from Andy yesterday. It's very similar to a love letter, but it was box shaped with a peanut roll treat inside the box and the letter was written around the box. All his letters make me laugh and get teary eyed and are always creative. How did he know I was "Jones'n for a sweet treat? Please don't ask me when the last time I wrote a love letter to my husband. Most text to him is in the form of a honey-can-ya list. I guess my newest show of affection will be the bedroom. That should make up for a lot of letters...

Just to update you. I haven't touched the room since my last blog. I thought mud takes a week to dry? Just kidd'n - just no time till this Friday or Saturday. I received the last of my fabric and I'm ready to sew. Anyone else want to help?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So....what ABOUT the bedroom will be your love letter to him?? (I know you didn't mean the project...hee hee)....

12:23 PM

Blogger 538steve said...

I'm back in there again. Taping and sanding. Andy already knows there is a door involved, but at least he doesn't know how cool it looks! He knows where the wall is going, but he doesn't know why I put one there.

When the room is unveiled, I will tell him why I did what I did and in a sense, it's like a love letter, because it's all about his needs...

6:03 PM

Blogger 538steve said...

It's my own kind of Love Box, just large enough to sleep in...

2:10 PM

Blogger Elvis Has Left The Building said...

Wouldn't Andy typically translate the term "Love Box" into "Glove Box"? Indeed, yes!

10:41 AM

Blogger 538steve said...

Yes, that is very true. You wouldn't believe all the songs about gloves...

12:06 PM

Blogger Danielle said...

steve, i wish i could be a fly on the wall watching your project in the making. that sort of business fascinates me, like, sit and drool and watch; like Bob Vela mesmerization in childhood, but..better, and not so creepy-won't-you-be-my-neighbor-like.

9:12 PM

Blogger 538steve said...

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12:07 PM

Blogger 538steve said...

Yup, I hear they have wild half moon hump outs there.

12:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Half moon hump outs???!!!
I'm scared, curious and laughing all at the same time!
A feeling not unlike my first junior high dance....

9:53 PM


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