Tuesday, November 28, 2006

This is dedicated to the nephews I love

This photo is for Nathan and Martin. If you look real hard, you can see Mean Steve. He does like to get his chest scratched, but that's only if you hand makes it to his fur before his teeth meets your hand... Harryette, sweet Harryette. She's good, they're both good. I think they're on the lookout for squirels!!

Tschuss! I liebe euch!
Tante Laura

I tried to upload this image last summer some time, but for some reason, it never worked. Here is what Andy did last summer. Now, you can go up to him and say, "I know what you did last summer." Since my summers don't exist, I didn't spend much time here. I'd like to. Maybe next summer...

Monday, November 20, 2006

What i'm doing for Thanksgiving Vacation

I know most of you know, but if you don't - My sister, her husband and my 3 nephews are living in Germany for the next 2years. My left to help my sister with my 2 nephews when my sister had my 3rd nephew. So, 1/2 my family is overseas. My other half, being me, Andy, my Dad and brother are left here to do what we want.

As usual, all my time is spoken for but this year I get to:
Wednesday make cookies with the Friis while eating greasy pizza.
Thursday eat dinner with my in-laws. I'm planning on finishing my fiction book at this point.
Friday, I'm hangin with my Dad and brother - eating ham, not turkey.
Lastly, Saturday I'm going to a theatre thingy and a museum with an old college friend.

I'm so excited to do things friends and some family this year!! What are your plans, let me know.


Monday, November 13, 2006

No time left for you, on my way to ______

I never really know the words to most songs... Some of my blogger friends know this first hand!

Anyway, I apologize for not creating a new post. I've been busy creating many things like the following;
Creating large messes in my Kitchen that I don't make the time to clean up, but at least we eat.

Creating large messes on my Home Office desk, that often spills to the floor. I'll go to the meeting then dump everything to prep for the next meeting.

Mean Steve has been making creating little messes in obvious spots to let us know that we're not home enough, I'm just glad I haven't stepped in one yet.

Andy doesn't have anything to make messes. He has created a desk in his new office with found wood (mostly from his parent's house).

Harryette, wonderful Harryette, she has not been making messes or creating things. She's always sad to see us leave, but so happy to see us come home. Even though she has not been making messes or creating things, she lets us know that she's ready to play at any moment!

I guess that's it for now.